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Hi there parents!

We're currently testing this new service to connect kids with the magic of Starlight when we can't be there face to face.  


Safeguarding children and young people is at the heart of everything we do here at the Starlight Children’s Foundation and so there are a few things you might want to know:


  • All Live Show content is shot in the Starlight Express Room within the hospital. Live shows are hosted by Captain Starlight and are appropriate for all ages. 


  • One thing we are testing is the value of an online chat box in providing a live interactive element. The chat box is administered, monitored and responded to by a Captain Starlight within the hospital. The service does not allow for chatting with any other users. There is no way for a child to interact with anyone other than Captain Starlight via Starlight on Demand. 

  • For your child’s online safety, no personal information, other than a child’s first name and age should be provided to us via the chat box. If that information is shared accidentally, we delete it from our system to safeguard against any possibility of public sharing.

  • We often encourage kids to take part in competitions and activities that may require you or your child to photograph their drawings, pictures and other creative work. We ask that your child's face is not included in any images shared. If an image is shared accidentally, we delete it from our system to safeguard against any possibility of public sharing. 


Thanks so much for taking the time to read our parent (big kid!) information.

If you have any questions please jump into the chat box below! 


Keep watching the skies!


Captain Starlight

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